Jonathan Dresner

Jonathan DresnerJonathan Dresner became a historian by luck: after spending a year in Japan in high school, he became interested enough to become a Japanese language major in college. During another year of study abroad, he became interested in Japanese history as a way to engage interesting questions about contemporary Japan. During his first year of graduate school, he read Marc Bloch’s The Historian’s Craft and became fully committed to history as a way of understanding the world. He has taught in Iowa and Hawaii and is now associate professor of history at Pittsburg State University in southeast Kansas, teaching world history surveys, Asian history classes, and graduate seminars. Dresner is also the director of the history MA program, which is steadily increasing its online presence. In addition to teaching and research, he has been involved in academic blogging, online commentary, and online history projects. Having been a full-time faculty member for 13 years, the Tuning Project seemed an excellent opportunity to reflect on history pedagogy and practice, for himself, his department, and the discipline.