New York as a Nation

Troy Daily Arena, December 18, 1860

If secession be revolution, and if revolution throws each State back upon independent sovereignty, it may not be too early to glance prospectively at New York as a Nation. If after all the efforts of conservative men, both North and South, to prevent it, the Union must be dissolved, and each State set up on its own account as a separate nation, we shall endeavor to reconcile ourselves to the new state of things, with a great deal of christian fortitude and philosophy. For the great State and city of New York, we have not the least fear. In such a state of affairs, we should unavoidably labor under some temporary difficulties and embarrassments; but our industry, energy, capital and other resources, would soon lift us out of all trouble and place us on our feet, as one of the most independent, enterprising and thriving nationalities of the world. We would be larger in extent of territory than England, and number one third more inhabitants than all the New England States together. Our four million of population is more than several European countries have possessed when they had dominion over the whole ocean, and by their commercial enterprise made their power felt and their name respected on every portion of the globe. The city of New York has the lead of all its competitors on this continent, in population and all that constitutes metropolitan greatness and prosperity, which, added to its vast natural advantages, will always constitute it the great central city of North America. No matter what political revolutions and changes may take place, that will be the great centre of commerce, manufactures and finance. She, also, will be the home of art and science, fashion, literature and refinement. Her commercial relations will embrace all nations —her vessels will plow the waves of every sea, and introduce into every port where there is a market for them, the products and manufactures of our whole North American continent. New York, with or without the Union, is bound to be prosperous, opulent and great.