Appointments in the South

Leavenworth Daily Times, April 7, 1861

The report that Mr. Blair had declared a purpose to appoint none but Republicans to office, in the Southern States, has been authoritatively contradicted. We are glad that the rumor had no foundation, and trust that the Administration will so distribute its patronage at the South, as to most effectually strengthen the loyal men of all parties to carry the flag, and keep step to the music of the Union. It certainly would be the height of folly, as well as the height of injustice, to adopt a contrary policy.

We do not say that the true and brave men who have upheld the Republican banner, in the midst of slavery, should not be recognized by the dispensers of official favors; but that a due regard should be had to the Union sentiment in the slave-holding States, and that all the influence of the administration should be used to concentrate and sustain it. If this can be done by avoiding appointments that are not acceptable to the patriotic citizens of the South,—such as Andrew Johnson, Henry Winter Davis, Sherrard Clemens, and their followers,—it should be done by all means. Where the Republicans form any considerable portion of a Southern community, they are certainly entitled to bear all the "spoils." In most other cases, fealty to the Government ought to be the only political test, and those who have firmly opposed treason and rebellion should be remembered and rewarded.—This may perhaps do something towards the preservation of the Union, and, at all events, the "concession" is a just and proper one. Far better the sacrifice of party usages and party patronage, than the sacrifice of vital and cherished principles.