AHA Governance

Much of the policy and work of the Association is done through the Council, divisions, and committees of the American Historical Association. Members of the Council and divisions are elected to three-year terms. Members of the Nominating Committee and the Committee on Committees are also elected to three-year terms, the other committees are appointive positions. For details about each division or committee, click on the boxes in the organizational chart below.

AHA Organization Chart March 2021

The work of the Association is governed by the AHA Constitution (which lays out the basic structure for the organization), and bylaws (which describe how the organization actually functions).

AHA governance bodies issue statements on standards, best practices, and guidelines for the profession. Many of these documents, including the Statement on Standards of Professional Conduct, can be found here.

For a more detailed description of the work and relationships between the various divisions and committees, see the organization chart.

Find a list of former AHA presidents by last name and year.