Donate to AHA

Donate to the AHA

Why Donate to the AHA

As the largest historical professional organization, the AHA has served as the primary voice for the discipline and for historians of all fields, time periods, and occupations.  Through our publications, annual meetings, projects, and other initiatives, the Association has supported the promotion of historical studies since 1884. Thanks to the generous support of our members and friends, the AHA has provided leadership for the discipline, protected academic freedom, developed professional standards, aided in the pursuit and publication of scholarship, and supplied various services to sustain and enhance the work of historians.  To support and strengthen our ongoing work on behalf of the discipline, we need your continued financial contributions.

The American Historical Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All or part of your gift may be tax deductible as a charitable contribution.

Funds Supported by Contributors

Whether through a one-time gift, pledge, bequest, or vehicle donation, your contribution to the AHA supports a wide range of initiatives and programs:

AHA Advocacy Fund

Contributions to the advocacy fund support the AHA's work protecting the rights and careers of historians, encouraging historical practice in diverse venues, and championing the important role honest history plays in education and culture.

AHA Operating Fund

Contributions to the general operating fund will be used to support current projects on behalf of the discipline.

AHA Council Annual Meeting Travel Support Fund

Contributions to the Council Annual Meeting Travel Support Fund will subsidize attendance at the annual meeting for graduate students and un/underemployed historians.

AHA Endowment Fund

Income generated from the AHA’s general endowment supports basic operations and provides a reserve for any new programs the Association might pursue to support research, teaching, and professional activities in the history discipline.

LGBTQ History Research Fund

The AHA's Committee on LGBTQ Status in the Profession is raising funds to support an annual $500 grant to support new and continuing research in LGBTQ history, available to scholars working in all temporal and geographic fields. Open to scholars at all career levels, this grant will especially serve graduate students and early career researchers working on LGBTQ history. We invite donations of any amount to contribute to initial funding for this grant.

Special Funds

Occasionally the AHA seeks support to establish new programs or to bolster existing endowed funds. Currently the AHA is actively soliciting contributions to Herbert Feis Award for contributions to public history, the Wesley-Logan Prize in African diaspora history, the James M. Banner, Jr., Lectureship Fund to support an annual lecture on the state of the discipline of history, the James G. Stofer Fund for Teachers for grants to support the participation of community college and public high school teachers in AHA activities and programs, and a new Middle East History Prize for a work of extraordinary scholarly distinction, creativity, and originality in the history of the Middle East, inclusive of Southwest Asia, North Africa, and related territories, since the seventh century.

Donate Now

Ways to Give

Gifts and Pledges

You can make a direct gift to the Association with your credit card online at, or by mailing a check with the specific fund indicated in the memo line to AHA, PO Box 347214, Pittsburgh PA 15251-4214. Alternatively, pledging an extended gift will enable you to make larger contributions than you thought possible. To make a pledge donation, contact

Planned Giving

Help ensure the future of the American Historical Association through a deferred gift. Planned giving may include a bequest to the organization in your will, making the AHA a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, transferring real estate or stocks, or other deferred contributions. For more information on planned giving, contact

Corporate Matching Gifts

Increase your support of the AHA through a matching gift from your employer. Check with your employer about whether they match charitable donations. Many match-eligible donors don't know their company offers a matching gift program.

Corporate Match icon

The American Historical Association has partnered with Independent Charities of America to facilitate Corporate Matching Gifts. Increase your support of the AHA through a matching gift from your employer. Just choose the "Employer Match" donation option when making your contribution.

Logo for the Benevity charitable giving platform

Donate through the Benevity Causes Portal, which connects corporations and individuals with nonprofits. If your employer matches charitable donations, the Benevity platform can facilitate both the individual and corporate donation. 

Vehicle Donation

Car DonationThe AHA has partnered with Charitable Auto Resources, Inc. (CARS) to accept donated vehicles. For every car donated, AHA will receive 70% of the net proceeds received from the gross sale of the vehicle at a dealer auction. To donate your vehicle to the AHA, please call 855-500-RIDE (7433) or visit our CARS donation page to complete an online donation form and schedule a pick up.


BookshopClick on the AHA's Bookshop affiliate link and use the search function to buy books from your favorite authors through Bookshop, a consortium of independent bookstores. Bookshop will donate 10% of your total purchase price to the AHA.