The Education of Historians in the United States (1962)

The Education of Historians in the United StatesForeword

Acknowledgments and Sources

1. Introduction: As Seen by the Chairman

2. Do We Need More College Teachers?

The Growth of Doctoral Training in History. Future Need for Ph.D.s in History. Variations in Supply and Demand. Summary.

3. Graduate Students in History

Ability and Preparation. Academic and Social Origins. Financing Graduate Study. Career Plans. Recruiting. Summary.

4. History in the Colleges

The Importance of Teaching Ability. Scholarly Qualifications of Teachers. Working Conditions. What History Is Taught? Methods of Teaching. History Majors. Summary.

5. The Master’s Degree

Admission, Screening, and Basic Requirements. The Master’s Thesis. Other Variations. The Uses of the Master’s Degree. Proposed Reforms: For Secondary School Teachers. Proposed Reforms: For College Teachers. Summary.

6. Ph.D.-Training Institutions

Which Institutions Offer the Ph.D. in History? Faculties and Fields. Undergraduate Education. Teaching Conditions. Research and Teaching. Library Resources. Summary.

7. Doctoral Study in History

What Is Studied: Field Requirements. Forms of Study. Examinations. Summary.

8. Major Criticisms of Ph.D. Training

Preparation for College Teaching. Breadth and Specialization. Training for Research Scholarship. Protracted Ph.D. Study. Summary.

9. Experiments with Teacher Training and Tightened Programs

Teacher Preparation. Reducing the Ph.D. “Stretch-out.” Summary.

10. Recommendations

Attracting and Admitting Graduate Students. Undergraduate Preparation. The Master’s Degree. Shortening Ph.D. Training. Striking a Balance. Preparation for Teaching. Discovering Teaching Capacity. Fostering and Rewarding Good Teaching.
